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Colorful Circles

Our Items

To reach people who couldn’t attend our live events, we made resources available through items.

Thriving Through High School Brochure

We conducted thorough research to provide evidence-based solutions for stress management among parents and students, compiling our findings into a brochure titled "Thriving Through High School" to educate and reassure both parties. Featuring statistics from our district's Healthy Youth Survey, we aim to alleviate students' feelings of isolation and encourage them to seek help, while also offering guidance to parents on recognizing signs of stress and supporting their children effectively.


Here is the link to the brochure.

Fundraising Brochure partnering with NAMI

We've partnered with NAMI, sharing a common goal of supporting individuals, particularly youth, dealing with mental health challenges exacerbated by academic stress. Together with NAMI Eastside, we've created a brochure endorsing NAMI's work and facilitating donations, distributed at events and available on our website to expand resources in this crucial area.


Here is the link to the brochure.

Career Video Series

These videos can assist students in discovering their career paths, which is a significant cause of academic stress. The videos featured people from a variety of professions so students can find similarities between themselves and successful professionals. 


Here is the link to the videos.

Parent Documentary

Many parents are seeing their kids' stress increasing as they get to high school. We interviewed many parents from our community to get a better idea of how they help their kids manage their stress. 


Here is the link to the Parent Documentary.

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