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Image by Justin Ha

Stress Coping Tips

Five Sense Strategy

Instead of thinking about the stressor, focus on your senses. 

  • Look around, see 5 objects

  • Touch and feel 4 textures

  • Close eyes, hear 3 sounds

  • Smell 2 scents

  • Taste 1 food

Staying Active

Exercise can relieve tension in the muscles. It releases feel-good hormones and burns off the stress hormones. It also increases blood flow to the brain.

Box Breathing

Breathe in for 4 seconds. 

Hold it for 4 seconds. 

Breathe out for 4 seconds. 

Hold for 4 seconds.

Repeat 4 times.


Every Sunday, create a time table for the week.

Don't procrastinate to avoid the last minute panic.

Take one day at a time and focus on accomplishing daily tasks.

Reward yourself for finishing your to-do list.

Numbers & Letters

Count slowly from 1 to 100.

Say the alphabet slowly backwards from Z to A. 

Something to Look Forward To

Set aside a time to relax with your friends or family, and remember you have planned it when you are stressed. 

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